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Lets do something brilliant together

I can help you:

In every case, my solutions are positive and operate from a dynamic evidence base. I bring together a diverse set of personal and professional experiences from positive psychology, brand and design, organisational behaviour, retail & hospitality, the science of humanity, academia, counselling and coaching. These all, to some extent, add up to the interesting and unique support I offer.

I’d love to talk and see how we could help each other.
Lets chat
for Senior Leaders & Professionals
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Digital tailoring
for Coaches and Coaching businesses
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for getting back on the road to success
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The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
Albert Einstein.

An investment in you

I am open and honest with the investment you or your organisation will make when engaging in coaching. I am also realistic in the outcomes you might expect and see in my clients’ journeys. Why not book in for a quick chat if you have questions or to see if our chemistry works, you’ll get a good sense of my style, and I’d hope you leave the conversation feeling lighter.

Free no-obligation conversation
Coaching programme examples:

All our programmes are as unique as you are. The table below gives a general outline of the types of activities you can expect in transformational coaching interactions with me. We will usually spend up to 90 minutes together, but I allocate up to two hours of my time for you. Every programme includes a no-cost consultation meeting where we check our chemistry, design a bespoke coaching programme for you and look to the future!

121 coaching (PAYG)

£ 230.00

  • Free consultation
  • Two hour session
  • Online / Face to face
  • Free strengths profile report
  • Guided challenges and activities playbook
  • 2 x 15 Minutes accountability calls
I'm interested!

3 session programmeMost popular choice

£ 650.00

6% extra value
  • Free consultation
  • Two hour session
  • Online / Face to face
  • Free strengths profile report
  • Guided challenges and activities playbook
  • 2 x 15 Minutes accountability calls
I'm interested!

6 session programmeMost impactful outcomes

£ 1200

13% extra value
  • Free consultation
  • Two hour session
  • Online / Face to face
  • Free strengths profile report
  • Guided challenges and activities playbook
  • 2 x 15 Minutes accountability calls
I'm interested!
Coaching programmes notes:
  • All my rates are consistent and transparent across my clients.
  • Get the best value for coaching in block bookings of three or more.
  • Benefit from special rates if your organisation works for the public good of up to 15%.
  • I operate a limited number of pro-bono coaching opportunities annually, making it easy to say #YesToCoaching today.
  • Self-funding? Take advantage of our special 0% interest payment plan for your bespoke coaching programme.
Don’t confuse comfort with happiness.
Dean Karnazes